Spot Fraud Faster

Online Fraud Detection

Mitigate fraud with risk-based, multi-factor authentication.

Fraud and account takeover continues to plague financial services firms, with insurance, healthcare, telecommunications, gaming, and travel & hospitality increasingly targeted as well.

Address digital identity fraud by detecting sophisticated criminal activity right from the start of a transaction - seamlessly. Prevent fraud attack methods like Account Takeovers, New Account Fraud, Screen Scraping, and Site Overlays with security solutions designed to stop them.




By 2023, 20% of companies in the insurance and healthcare industries will use online fraud detection (OFD) tools, which is an increase from fewer than 5% today.

Gartner Market Guide for Online Fraud Detection, May 2020

Let the right customers into the network and keep fraudulent activity out.

The leading SIEM solutions put cognitive security to work for you by interpreting billions of events and identifying high risk threats across your environment.
1. IBM Trusteer: helps organizations detect fraud, authenticate users and establish identity trust across the omni-channel customer journey. Through cloud-based intelligence, backed by AI and patented machine learning, Trusteer provides a holistic approach to identifying new and existing customers, while improving the user experience.
2. Transmit Security: offers a low-code security platform that uses visual tools to build your journeys instead of complex code, allowing the business to add, change, and improve according to business needs.
3. Gurucul Risk Analytics: is a Unified Security and Risk Analytics platform that uses machine learning algorithms and pattern matching expressions to link identity, access, activity and device-specific data to build contextual visibility.

What the Analysts are Saying

“IBM, Transmit Security, and Gurucul top the chart for Fraud Reduction, with excellent and rich feature sets as well as market positions.”
KuppingerCole Report on Fraud Reduction Intelligence Platforms, March 2020
IBM Trusteer
"IBM’s RBA solution is a robust, end-to-end solution that covers enterprises’ RBA needs. The vendor has improved reporting, added support for passwordless authentication and MFA, and offers an interactive developer portal for identity orchestration"
The Forrester Wave™: Risk-Based Authentication, Q2 2020

What the Analysts are Saying

“IBM, Transmit Security, and Gurucul top the chart for Fraud Reduction, with excellent and rich feature sets as well as market positions.”
KuppingerCole Report on Fraud Reduction Intelligence Platforms, March 2020
IBM Trusteer
"IBM’s RBA solution is a robust, end-to-end solution that covers enterprises’ RBA needs. The vendor has improved reporting, added support for passwordless authentication and MFA, and offers an interactive developer portal for identity orchestration"
The Forrester Wave™: Risk-Based Authentication, Q2 2020
Forrester Wave Risk Based Authentication (RBA)

Online fraud considerations for remote work.

  • Do you allow access to corporate resources for your remote workforce?
  • Do you have any visibility into the risk associated with unmanaged BYOD devices?
  • How do you ensure that employee credentials being used are not compromised?
  • How do you ensure that the BYOD is not infected with malware?

Ready to protect your customers and employees against fraud?

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IBM Trusteer provides a seamless, more secure customer experience for digital banking. Trusteer is the leading web fraud protection solution for financial institutions to detect and prevent malware infections and phishing attacks and maximize protection for their customers. 

Trusteer prevents the root cause of fraud, improves the customer experience, reduces operational impact and utilizes a global intelligence service. Trusteer combines multi-layer security software with real-time threat intelligence to help identify the difference between customers and fraudsters .

IBM Trusteer venn diagram

Source: Forrester Research, Inc.

Alacrinet are experts in IBM Trusteer - the industry leading Web Fraud Solution for financial institutions:

IBM Trusteer Pinpoint™ Detect provides real-time fraud detection across digital channels. It is a cloud based solution that continuously authenticates online identities to distinguish between true customers and those committing fraud. Trusteer Pinpoint Detect provides real-time risk assessment, enables you to create custom policies to rapidly build and deploy countermeasures, and offers a seamless customer experience 

IBM Trusteer New Account Fraud  helps validate new customers by helping you detect and prevent the risk of fraudulent intent transparently. It provides advanced intelligence that correlates with IBM's global fraud evidence database. Additionally, Trusteer predicts new account fraud patters using predictive analytics.

IBM Trusteer Mobile SDK detects detect compromised and vulnerable devices by determining if it is compromised with malware, trojans, jailbroken/rooted detection, overlay attack evidence or SMS stealing apps, or more. It also provides cross-channel visibility that correlates online and mobile banking risk data.

IBM Trusteer Rapport® detects and remediates malware and identifies phishing attacks quickly to maximize protection for your customers. Trusteer Rapport is designed to defend against attacks, remove malware from endpoint devices and protect customers by preventing them from entering phishing sites. 

IBM Trusteer Fraud Protection Suite offers a simplified approach to fraud management  - providing out-of-the-box integration for IBM fraud detection, enforcement, investigation and remediation solutions.

IBM Trusteer Mobile Browser provides risk-based analysis of web access and transactions from mobile devices to allow users to safely access banking websites.

IBM Trusteer Pinpoint Malware Detection™ Advanced Edition detects malware-infected devices and alerts users to potential risk. It provides accurate determination of fraud risk for each online transaction, login or other high-risk action and alerts organizations so action can be taken.